Spaghettele sunt o optiune rapida, delicioasa si usor de preparat pentru pranz sau cina. De data aceasta va propun o reteta condimentata, cu arome mai exotice, care vor mangaia intens papilele gustative.
Ingrediente pentru spaghetti in sos rosu (4 persoane):
Cate jumatate de lingurita din urmatoarele condimente: boia dulce, curry, oregano, busuioc, cimbru, rozmarin, patrunjel, sare, piper
200 g de sunca de curcan
2 morcovi
1 frunza de telina
1 ceapa
2-3 catei de usturoi
1 conserva de rosii decojite
1 punga de spaghetti
3 linguri de ulei de masline
Ingredients for Spaghetti in Red Sauce (for 4):
Half of teaspoon from each of these powdered spices: sweet parpika, curry, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley, salt, pepper
200 g turkey ham
2 carrots
1 celery leaf
1 onion
2-3 garlic cloves
1 tomatoes pulp can
3 spoons olive oil
Spala si curata legumele. Amesteca condimentele intr-un castronas.
Wash and peel the vegetables. Mix the spices in a bowl.
Taie sunca si legumele in forme diferite. Pune uleiul la incins intr-o tigaie. Adauga legumele si sunca si lasa-le la calit pentru 2 minute.
Chop the ham and the vegetables in different ways. Put the olive oil in a frying pan. When it's hot enough add the vegetables and the ham and let them cook for 2 minutes.
Adauga mixul de condimente si mai lasa 2 minute, amestecand mereu.
Add the spices, let them cook for 2 minutes, and continue to mix withe a spoon.
Adauga rosiile pasate.
Add the mashed tomatoes.
Lasa sosul sa se ingroase la foc mic. Intre timp fierbe spaghettele, cu putin sare si putin ulei de masline.
Let the red sauce get thicker, using a small cooker flame. Meanwhile, boil the spaghetti with a pince of salt and 1 tb of olive oil.
Cand sosul este gros, adauga-l peste pastele fierte.
When the sauce is thick enough, add it over the spaghetti.
Pofta buna!
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