Ingrediente: 500 g de carne de vita (manzat), 5 ardei kapia rosii, 1 ardei gras, 1 morcov, 2 cepe, 5 cartofi, 300 ml de bulion, 1 lingura rasa de chimen, 1 lingura rasa de boia dulce, 1 legatura de patrunjel verde, 1 legatura de marar verde, 1 lingura de ulei de masline, sare, piper, 1 cana mare apa
Ingredients: 500 g beef, 5 red peppers, 1 green bell pepper, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 5 potatoes, 300 ml tomato pulp/juice, 1 tablespoon caraway, 1 tablespoon sweet paprika, fresh parsley and dill, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, pepper, 1 large glass of water
Spala si curata legumele. Ardeii, morcovii, ceapa toaca-i marunt in robot. Cartofii taie-i cubulete. Taie carnea cubulete mici.
Wash and peel the vegetables. Chop in the kitchen robot the peppers, the carrot and the onions. Cut the potatoes in medium pieces. Cut the beef meat in small pieces.
Prajeste carnea intr-i tigaie, fara ulei, pana ce apa din ea dipspare si carnea devine maronie.
Fry the meat in a frying pan, withou any oil, until its water dissapears, and the meat turns brown.
Indeparteaza carnea. Unge tigaia cu o lingura de ulei de masline. adauga legumele si lasa-le sa se caleasca pana ce devin moi.
Remove the meat. Oil the frying pan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the vegetables and let them fry until they become soft.
Preincalzeste cuptorul. Pune intr-o tava carnea, legumele calite, cartofii taiati cuburi. Amesteca bulionul cu condimentele (chimen, boia, sare, piper) si cu o cana mare de apa si adauga peste carne si legume. Pune tava la cuptor, la 220 de grade Celsius pentru 60 de minute. Adauga la sfarsit patrunjelul si mararul tocate marunt.
Pofta Buna!
Preheat the oven. In an oven pan put the beef, the fried vegetables and the potatoes. In a bowl mix together the tomato juice with the spices and a large glass of water. Add it in the oven pan. Put it in the oven at 220 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes. At the end add the parsley and the dill, chopped.