Sunt si voi iremediabil indragostita de cheesecake, si mereu voi incerca sa prepar retete noi si diferite. De aceasta data va propun o reteta un picut diferit, careia i-am adaugat multe nuci si putina ciocolata. A iesit usor crocanta si foarte delicioasa:
Pentru cheesecake: 1 kg
de branza dulce, 1 kg de smantana grasa, 1 pachet de unt, 1
pachet mare de biscuiti digestivi, 1 cana de zahar, 1 cana de faina, 4 oua, esenta de rom, 250 g de miez de nuca
Pentru glazura: 250 g de miez de nuca, 4 patratele de ciocolata de menaj, bomboane de ciocolata
Sfarama biscuitii
cat mai marunt. Pune intr-o tigaie jumatate de pachet de unt la topit. Adauga
apoi biscuitii si amesteca bine pana ce se omogenizeaza. Tapeteaza o tava cu unt
si pune biscuitii la cuptorul incins pentru 5 minute. Scoate tava si lasa la
Pune intr-un castron mare branza, adauga 1 cana de zahar, faina si amesteca bine cu un mixer sau un robot pentru pasare, pana ce totul devine o pasta fina. In alt castron amesteca 800 g de smantana cu 3 galbenusuri si 1 ou intreg. Adauga apoi amestecul peste branza pasata si continua sa amesteci la viteza cat mai redusa pana ce totul devine o pasta omogena si fina.
Marunteste jumatate din cantitatea de miez de nuca si adauga in compozitie, amestecand usor. Pune compozitia in tava, si baga tava la cuptor pentru 30 de minute la 200 de grade Celsius.
Lasa prajitura sa se raceasca.
Pentru glazura, pune ciocolata la topit in bain marin. Unge o tigaie cu putin unt, lasa-o sa se incinga si pune miezul de nuca maruntit 2 minute, amestecand incontinuu. Adauga ciocolata topita si amesteca mereu inca 1 minut.
Adauga glazura peste prajitura. O poti decora si cu bomboane de ciocolata.
Pofta buna!
For the cheesecake: 1 kg sweet fresh sweet cheese (curds), 1 kg sour cream, 250g butter, 250 g digestive biscuits, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, 4 eggs, 250 g. nutmeat
For the frosting: 250g. nutmeat, 4 pieces of cooking chocolate, chocolate candies
Fragment the biscuits in a kitchen robot, until they become an omogenous mixture. In a frying pan melt the butter, add the biscuit powder and mix it. Coat a cheesecake pan with butter and put the mixture there, leveling it. Put in the oven for 15 minutes. After that, set it aside, and let it cool.
Mix in a large bowl the cheese with one cup of sugar and one cup of flour, until it becomes smooth. In another bowl mix 800 grams of sour cream with three yolks and an egg. Add the mixture over the cheese and keep mixing easily.
Grind half the nutmeat, and add it in the cheese mixture.
Pour the cheese mix over the biscuits in the pan, and put in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 Celsius degrees. Set aside to cool.
For the frosting, melt the chocolate in bain marin. Coat a frying pan with butter, add the grounded nutmeat for 2 minutes, and keep mixing. Add the melted chocolate and mix for another minute.
Add the chocolate and nutmeat frosting over the cheesecake. You cand decorate it with chocolate candies.